Siad, NACC renew ties

Mrs Payet and Mr Savy sign the MoU
The Seychelles Institute of Art and Design (Siad) and the National Arts and Craft Council of Seychelles (NACC) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) renewing their collaboration.
The brief but yet significant ceremony at Siad’s premises, Anse Royale yesterday morning coincided with World Arts Day.
The MoU was signed by the executive director of NACC, Jimmy Savy, and the director of Siad, Christine Payet, in the presence of staff, learners and the Siad governing board members.
The MoU with NACC formerly known as the NAC was first signed in 2016 and a second time in 2019. The renewed MoU is aimed at strengthening an existing relationship between the two entities to collaborate in achieving a common vision for the development of the creative arts in Seychelles.
Furthermore, it also makes provision for financial, technical and artistic support, training and exchange programmes for staff and learners in joint projects and programmes like workshops, workbased experience, visiting artist programmes, art projects and exhibitions.
In his address, Mr Savy highlighted the profound importance of the collaboration emphasising it holds great significance, as Siad plays a pivotal role in shaping and nurturing the next generation of artists.
Mr Savy expressed his optimism for the future, stating, ‘I wish that this collaboration will be a fruitful one.”
‘We did this on the campus so that students know the importance of this memorandum, moreover, that the student has a link to work-life,” explained Mrs Payet.
On behalf of the Seychelles National Institute for Culture, Heritage and the Arts, the secretary general, David André, talked about the importance of arts and the need to celebrate it by engaging learners.
World Arts Day was commemorated by a series of artistic activities namely installation work, fashion and textiles projects, and mural paintings among others, to enable learners and staff to gain better understanding of the importance of art in the society.