
Konpetisyon Fotografi 2022

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150 150 Admin

Konpetisyon Kwen Tapi 2022

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150 150 Admin
Grant Assistance 2021

Grant Assistance 2021
150 150 Admin
India @75 “Painting Competition”

India @75 “Painting Competition”

The National Arts Council (NAC) is glad to announce the collaboration with the High Commission of India for a "Painting Competition" for India Day. Calling all individuals from the age…

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2048 1447 Admin

NAC small grants applicants

There was 54 applicants for the NAC small grants. Among the fifty four applicants, fifty two were assisted the other two cases were not qualified because their request for was…

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150 150 Admin
Launch of the virtual church-Bienal Sesel and catalog presentation

Launch of the virtual church-Bienal Sesel and catalog presentation

In the presence of Lanbasader cultivate Sesel, this guy. Patrick Victor, Principal secretary for Culture, Mrs Cecile Kalebi, Mer Ville Victoria, Msye David Andre, 'Curator' Bienal Msye Martin Kennedy, local…

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2048 1365 Admin
Happy Women’s Day

Happy Women’s Day


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940 788 Admin
Prezantasyon pri avek bann gannyan Zenn Artis Lemonn Kreolofonn

Prezantasyon pri avek bann gannyan Zenn Artis Lemonn Kreolofonn
1924 1062 Admin

International music day

To commemorate the international music day, the National Arts Council would like to wish everyone a great day. A day filled with music, with love and unity

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150 150 Admin
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